Chick-fil-A is the favorite quick-serve restaurant among U.S. consumers. In a recent survey among 603 QSR patrons by Mobile Digital Insights, Chick-fil-A was chosen as their favorite among the major QSRs, followed closely by Subway and Wendy’s.
However, while talk of “favorites” is a small part of the overall learnings, each QSR brand queried in this study came away with something to be learned.

Not surprisingly, while McDonald’s tops the list of QSRs ever visited, at least eight in ten U.S. consumers have tried many of the largest QSR brands in the past.

“Frequenting QSRs is a big part of American life,” says Ron Gailey, President of MDI Americas, “and despite fewer locations, significantly less past trial (when compared to other large QSRs), and controversial press, Chick-fil-A boasts a model—built around great-tasting food and great service—that should be the envy of all other QSRs.”

These findings come from MDI’s BrandCategorySurvey™ conducted in October 2019 among the general U.S. population. Sixteen hundred (n=1,600) adults (+/- 2%), ages 18 and older, participated in the online survey. Please let us know if you’d like to learn more!
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