From the Mobile Digital Insights’ COVID-19 Tracker, the pandemic continues to keep a large swath of the population practicing acute hygiene and maintaining reserves of food, water, and other items to slow/stop the spread of germs. The number of those washing hands, reserving food and water and sanitizers/masks has stayed level, though the use of masks is spiking dramatically (+5% vs. the previous week and rising).

The food sector has seen some dramatic shifts, as well. Six in 10 are still doing grocery shopping out of home, although it’s slowly declining. While drive thru/takeout declined significantly this past week (-13% vs. the previous week), delivery has become more popular. In fact, far more opted to get groceries and household items (+11% vs. the previous week) this week, and delivery from casual and fast-food restaurants continues to trend upward.

“Four weeks into this tracking study, anxiety remains high, but there are signs that fears and job impacts of leveling off,” notes Ron Gailey, President of Mobile Digital Insights Americas. “Worry and stress have leveled off, too, suggesting that more people believe the worst may be behind us now.”
In order to provide a measure for business leaders, Mobile Digital Insights has launched a COVID-19 Tracker to monitor concerns, activities, behavior changes, challenges experienced, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes, and to explore these by various key demographics. No one knows the duration and depth of societal impacts as local and national governments seek to contain and treat the virus. This study is designed to allow business leaders to see indicators for recovery from the crisis.
Research Approach
Mobile Digital Insights is executing an 8 to 9-minute mobile-optimized survey to dig deeply into customer behaviors, activities, and feelings. This is a Monday to Sunday weekly tracker for 8 weeks that began the week of March 23, 2020. N=300 per week using sample by CINT, balanced by gender, age, and geography for a U.S. national sample.
About MDI
We’re all about you… Strategic. Fast. Value-driven. Clear. In the moment. Experienced. Resourceful. Confident. And of course, Mobile. We love collaborating, always keeping you top of mind. That’s why we’ve worked with some of the world’s biggest companies in over 40 countries—and right in your own neighborhood.
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