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We are a progressive technology-based full-service market research agency,

that partners with clients worldwide.

Our services are not bound by location. We are 'research - anywhere'. 

MDI is a full service mobile & digital market research consultancy.  Our key point of difference is our scalable and robust mobile data collection and rigorous real time quality control.  Over this, we have developed a tight product offer to address key client needs and pain points.

Our offer is built on collecting information in the most ‘natural’ way possible – not only to make the process enjoyable for people participating in research, but also to ensure that we collect robust and valid data to accurately inform our clients’ strategic and tactical decision making. 

Mobile is not device agnostic. MDI’s differentiation is that we start with mobile, so things just fit.

A few of our research tools include:

Mobile Diaries


Can you remember what you had for breakfast last Tuesday?  What happened when you last did laundry?  What was going through your mind when you last chose cereal in the supermarket?  Most of your consumers can’t, and this is the issue that makes many consumer data sets unreliable.  Mobile diaries address this issue by focusing on in-the-moment capture of behaviour.

MDI excels at mobile diaries and has both a consumer-facing mobile app interface & a web-based research platform that specialises in both diary capture and monitoring. The beauty of mobile app-based data collection is its flexibility for participants – allowing them to provide feedback when it is contextually relevant – when they’re using the product, eating the food, drinking the drink etc.  From a brand’s perspective, it allows a closeness that isn’t typically achievable in research – living with consumers in the moment, often at key decision making points, or multiple consumption/usage points during the day.  

MDI’s technology allows participants to log diary entries as frequently as relevant, with chat-based engagement overlaid to encourage completion. We specialise in creating simple mobile diary surveys that deal with complex scenario options.

Types of Mobile Diaries:

  • Consumption diaries: Measure food or beverages consumption (understand brand landscape, occasions, motivation, & category interplay) to identify threats & opportunities in the market.


  • Product usage diaries: Track usage of a product within a specific category to understand sweet spots and pain points, to allow for product & marketing strategy development.


  • Shopper / purchase diaries: Gain insight into what consumers are purchasing from which channels & what drives choices; exploring store experience – store & shelf layout, & customer experience.


  • Experiential diaries: Understand the experience consumers have in a specified environment (e.g. a festival) – task-based assessment of specific elements, as well unstructured contextual feedback

Person holding phone scanning a take away coffee
Black business man sitting a table looking as his mobile phone


Mobile Communities allow a convenient App-based research approach for consumers & a cost-effective platform for ongoing enquiry for clients.  

Taking advantage of mobile benefits such as image capture and geo-location, the breadth of research that can be explored over time is immense.

Mobile Communities

MDI is committed to delivering timely, nimble, cost effective

& pragmatic research to clients.


MDI presents with consumers with convenient, enjoyable research tasks that engage them on their terms. In doing so MDI’s mobile research communities meet today’s client needs by engaging and driving consumer participation.  


  • Taking advantage of all the benefits of a mobile app, an ongoing community can deploy both quantitative questionnaires and qualitative chats periodically – not only keeping consumers interested & engaged, but also the mobile app allows for easy chats, simple questionnaire deployment, and photo upload.

  • Progress and compliance is tracked and reminders or new incentives are sent throughout the process where needed.

MDI’s mobile communities operate via custom-designed mobile chat apps that naturalise to the phone’s operating system.

MDI’s chat platform reflects current communications behaviour and builds research tasks around this.

All information collected by community members is retained longitudinally, allowing for better targeting of research and customisation from a consumer perspective, while also preventing the need to repeatedly ask questions, whilst keeping surveys short, convenient and manageable… and fun!  

The MDI mobile platform makes research accessible when and where consumers want, allowing immediate in the moment feedback at key decision making moments.

Comms Eval


Deep insights can make all the difference when creating a great communications strategy. 

Sadly, tight deadlines often force marketers and agencies to skip the step of bringing solid insights into this process.  As a result, important decisions are made using gut feelings rather than the voice of the consumer.

CommsEval from Mobile Digital Insights lets you rapidly and powerfully test communications in a way that’s not canned or do-it-yourself. 

Key Benefits:


Speed is vital in comms testing. CommEval studies are custom, yet they still take just 4-5 days to turn-around. With CommsEval you can flexibly test a variety of stimulus options, ranging from text-based insight statements, to picture storyboards and full video content.  It is a holistic way to measure creative performance.

  • Is it personally relevant to consumers?

  • Is the messaging clear and on target?

  • Is it distinctive vs. competitors?

  • Does it impact brand affinity/consideration?


Application of CommsEval:


The flexibility of CommsEval lets you gather deep insights for a number of communications challenges:

  • Explore and contextualize insight briefs through mobile qual ethnography

  • Quickly test multiple insight statements or storyboards to identify what resonates best with consumers

  • Pre-test to confirm that creative is on target and identify areas of strength and what can be improved

  • Post-test to quantify awareness and reception and the likely impact on sales

Oriental person walking passed an advert on a wall of two hands touching
Little while pills showing social media icons
Image by Saffu


We know that fast and responsive information is valuable, which is why we rely heavily on our nimble mobile product, RapiTest.  Taking advantage of consumers’ ‘now’ culture & their propensity to complete quick tasks on their mobile, RapiTest collects quantitative survey data via mobile.

A made-for-mobile research platform: RapiTest deploys convenient and intuitive content to consumers, including short surveys with full logic piping, compressed video, images, etc. 

Key Benefits:


  • Set-up and deploy surveys in minutes.

  • Disruptively cost effective.

  • Reach a broad, more representative sample.

  • Deploy multi-modal (SMS, chat, social media, email) without traditional research panels.

  • Allows respondents to complete research in their preferred time / space.

  • Allows in-the-moment feedback – stimulated by a situational cue (e.g. in store prompting).

  • Passive data measuring consumer compliance with each stage of research task; including point until which they stopped watching the video.



Hands holding a mobile phone scrolling
Hands holding an ipad/tablet scrolling, with a cup of coffee in the background
Event Eval


Sponsorship and at event activations are taking up a growing proportion of marketing communications and advertising budgets in this world of media diversification.  It is critical for marketers to understand what their target consumers are noticing, thinking, experiencing while at events their brand has invested in?  Maybe at the Football, a music festival, attending a new venue etc.  MDI’s EventEval lets you connect with people who are experiencing these events in-the-moment.


People attending an event often present a difficult audience to research as typical sample sources lack penetration – for reliable data, you need to reach attendees in-the-moment, making a localized mobile approach ideal.


MDI’s EventEval lets you connect with these people and find out who is for example, frustrated by long queues, delighted by excellent service, or noticing exposure to your brand’s sponsorship and activations.


Approach & Key Benefits

While geo-location is a powerful feature to leverage, without  pre-recruitment onto an App, it isn’t something that will allow connection with people in a certain location. 


For this reason, MDI focusses on in-situ mobile recruitment methods for EventEval projects.  Activations at the event such as return-SMS messages displayed on scoreboards, in printed material, random number collection and integration with event providers has proven to generate strong participation from event attendees.  


Facilitating in-the-moment data capture assessing the impact of sponsorship collateral, brand messages and experiential elements without intruding on or compromising the event experience.



Application of EventEval


  • Determine the most time and cost effective mechanisms for generating response.

  • Minimize intrusion into consumer’s enjoyment of the event.

  • Integrate elements of the event into the research design – e.g. photo competitions, event highlights, wish lists for subsequent events.

  • Task event attendees to assess certain elements of the event – e.g. research gamification to measure impact of different experiential elements.

  • Ensure participants have actually had the opportunity to experience key elements prior to data collection.

Sports stadium with fans all round
Colour spraying on people at a party
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